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Research Services to academicians

1. DNA Barcoding: DNA sequencing of barcode genes, Species identification, authentication of plant and animal-based products and identification cum authentication of agri-products.
2. Expression Analysis: Gene expression analysis with quantitative real-time PCR using SyBR Green and TaqMan method for relative and absolute quantification, copy number analysis of gene and genomic regions.
3. DNA sequencing services: Sanger Sequencing and Next-generation Sequencing (NGS) method to characterise a fragment of gDNA or Whole Genome through Whole Genome Sequencing, Exome sequencing, Transcriptome sequencing, and Methylome sequencing.
4. PCR-based services: PCR–RFLP for genome mapping and mutation detection, ARMS-PCR for SNP detection, Microsatellite PCR and RAPD for species/variety identification, Multiplex PCR for presence-absence assay of related gene families, Isothermal PCR.
5. Bioinformatic services: Genome analysis, Phylogenetic tree, migration analysis and population analysis
6. Intellectual inputs for thesis and paper: Consultancy and assistance are provided for the writing of thesis and paper and for study design

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